Now that you've asked..yes..

1. Promise to be honest?
► sure, sure

2.Who was your last text from?

► jerusalem alvaira

3.When is the next time u’ll kiss some1?

► what am I, a fortune teller?

4.Last time u wer drunk?

► never been drunk.

5.r u hapy ryt now?

► yeah..

6.Wen is ur birthday?

► september 19

7.Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years?

► Pls refer to question # 3.

8.Did u have a good day?

►I think so..

9.R u happy with d way things r going now.

►yep. so far..

10.What are you supposed to be doing right now?

►..hahahahha!! I love this question..

11.How old are your sibling/s?

►19 and 16

12.Is your frndzter profile private?


13.Do you believe in love?


14.Do you think relationships are even worth it?

► ya.sure.

15.Do you trust him?

► Him? yeah!

16.Who did you last tell a secret to?

► It's not technically a secret if I told someone..

17. Will this weekend be a good one?


18.Is there anybody u wish u could b spending time with right now?

► my friends..

19.Who was the first person you talked to today?


20.Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?

► hmm. now that you've asked.. yes.

21.Are u waiting 4 something?

► yep.

22.Who was the last person u hugged?


23. Did u have a dream last night?

►I think so, but I don't remember it. nyahahha!

24.How many piercings do u have?

► as of now, none. (napikot eh..) hahaha!

25.Want someone back in ur life?

► YES!!!!

26.Are you good at giving directions?

► noooo..

27.Last time you cried really really hard?

► *recalling*... i don't remember.

28.What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?

► loaf bread.

29.What body part(s) do you wash first in the shower?

► my hands.

30.Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

► COLD..

31.Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?

► YES! YES! hahahhaha!

32.What is ur favorite color?

► Chartreuse and pink

33.How do u feel when someone kisses u on the forehead?


34.Do u think your last ex deserves to die?

► i don't have one.. ^^.

35.Have you ever broken someone's heart?

► neh..

36.Has anyone ever told u they want to spend the rest of their life with you?

►a proposal?.. nooo..


► of what?

38.Will your next kiss be a mistake?

► pls refer to question # 3 again...but I hope not.

39.When was the last time you saw your grandpa?

► months and months ago..

40.Do you know anyone with cancer?

► yep. (T_T)

41.Who was the last person you talked to in person?

►my mom.

42.Have you lost friends in the past 3 years?

► hmm..

43.Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?

► kanang mura lang high.. hahahah!

44.Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?

► I prefer to hide them most of the time.

45.Where did you sleep last night?

► at my comfy bed.

46.Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor?

► never.

47.Are you afraid of falling in love?

►not afraid but more of..not ready yet.. hahahaha!

