Things to consider in choosing a deployment environment

Let’s pretend that I am a systems analyst that was tasked by the Dean of our college to evaluate the enrollment system of our university. In order to evaluate the enrollment system, I should be able to identify first the characteristics of the deployment environment that I should take into consideration.

By definition, an application deployment environment involves the computer hardware, systems software, and networks in which new system will operate. It basically determines constraints imposed on system development alternatives. As said by the definition, I should be able to identify the characteristics of computer hardware or platforms and operating systems that are used in the enrollment system of the university.

The following will serve as my checklist of the characteristics that I will consider on choosing the most appropriate deployment environment for the enrollment system of the university.

• Compatibility with system requirements
• Compatibility among hardware and system software
• Required interfaces to external systems
• Conformity with IT strategic plan and architecture plans
• Cost and schedule

Compatibility with system requirements

The first characteristic of a deployment environment that I would consider is the compatibility with the system requirements. The level of compatibility with the system requirements will determine the functional usability of the system itself. If the deployment environment does not conform to the requirements of the system, the deployment will most likely be ineffective which virtually means a project failure. Of course, every organization wants a system that would meet the all their needs right? This also applies for our university.

As an analyst, it is my responsibility to make sure that the deployment environment must satisfy all the functional and nonfunctional requirements for the enrollment system of the university.

Since we are dealing with some confidential and vital information that must be properly protected during the enrollment process, security is also one of the system requirements that must be satisfied. The deployment environment to be chosen must provide all the necessary precautionary and security measures as well as backup and recovery plans to protect the data being processed during the enrollment.

Compatibility among hardware and system software

The deployment environment should also conform to the hardware and software being used for the system. As an analyst, I should also consider the current hardware and software of being used in the enrollment system of the university. Higher compatibility of the deployment environment with the current hardware and software of the system will lessen the configuration and installation time thus speeding up the operational usage of the deployment environment. The sooner it is to be operational, the better.

Required interfaces to external systems

There are times when systems may also require external interfaces in its deployment environment. These external interfaces may include different platform or interfaces such a mobile interfaces. The deployment environment that I will be choosing should also be compatible with these interfaces.

Conformity with IT strategic plan and architecture plans

Based on our previous class discussions, I have learned that it is very important for the systems to align with the vision and mission of an organization in order for the organization to achieve its purpose and satisfy its constituents. In connection to this, the deployment environment to be used for the enrollment system should also coincide with the IT strategic plan of the university.


The cost of the deployment environment is also a very important factor that should also be considered. Obviously, we always want to get what we paid for. As an analyst, it will be my responsibility to weigh out if the price is worth the quality and performance from the vast choices of deployment environment in the market. I should carefully consider if the university can afford the most appropriate deployment environment for the enrollment system. Aside from the cost of procurement, I should also consider the maintenance cost of the deployment environment. As an analyst, I should put in mind that the procurement price of a deployment environment will not determine its performance over time. It doesn’t mean that if a deployment environment is cheaper, then it is the best choice. Sometimes, I also have to consider its cost of maintenance and then weigh out if it will truly save up resources for the organization.


Another important characteristic is the schedule. Time is a very important factor that must be also considered. Questions like How long will it take to set up the deployment environment? And How long is the average operational life span of the deployment environment? will be vital in choosing the deployment environment. The longer it takes for a deployment environment to be operational, the more costly it will be for the university that’s why the schedule must be also considered.

Another factor that must be considered that is related with the schedule is the operational lifetime of the deployment environment. The deployment environment should satisfy the operational time frame for the system. In our case, I have to make sure that the deployment environment can live up to the expected performance and life expectancy as stated in the contract.

To sum it up, an analyst must define a deployment environment that would match the system requirements; organization’s strategic application plans and organization’s technology architecture plans.

Note: This post is a response to the subject SAD 1 assignment #11

Assignment # 11

You were tasked by the IC-dean to evaluate the enrollment system of the university, list and briefly describe the characteristics that an analyst (you) examines when choosing or defining deployment environment.

