Assignment #5


"Why do you think HRM is included in the BSCS/BSIT curriculum?"

I'll just summarize my ideas on three points:

1. Reality-check...

As early as now, this subject has been really interesting for mebecause it exposed me to the industry from whichI hopefully (if God's will) soon enter. I got a glimpse of how people are managed and interact within the job environment..How they are hired, their rights and responsiblities ,unions,etc.

Basically, I think this subject will somehow give us the opportunity to learn and catch a glimpse on how employees are valued and treated in a company which I believe is a practical learning experience that we can use after we graduate.

2. Stress the importance of people in an organization.

PEOPLE-it is the most important factor in an organization. Without it, organizations will not exist. I believe (and I hope I'm right) that this subject will delve deeper on the importance of role of the people as the workforce and as a very essential part of a company/organization/institution.
And....THAT People-- someday ..may include us..

3. To be well aware of our rights and responsibilities as employees.

as IT and CS pips..

"Its either we make the company or we break it.."
-an inspiring thought from sir G.

If that's not a big responsibility,then I don't know what it is.
I believe that part of HRM is to teach us to be responsible but at the same time aware of our rights as employees when we are in a company.

I also believe that Knowing your rights as an employee is as important as Knowing your responsibilities and expectations that you owe to the company..

that's why HRM is essential to our course. It will give us a preview on what we should expect and what is expected from us as employees as a part of a certain company.


You have your points on why HRM is included in our course.

Nice Entry!!

God Bless You!!!
Venus_Astarte said…
wow nice blog tin!!! ahah your right we must be aware on our responsibility at the same time knows our rights...
I just can't imagine ourselves having no knowledge about HRM at all!
jealou* said…

love that "reality check"!
...i think we really have to

dapat jud naa na...
hehe...cute sa cursor...
thank you thina sa help and for
commenting always...
